Fire/Life Safety and Prevention

The Zebulon Fire Department has many fire/life safety and prevention programs to help you!  This page can provide a basic overview of some of our programs, so please reach out to us if you have any questions or needs.

Allow us to talk to your group!  We can handle large or small groups and for any age, from young children to adults.  We are often asked to simply bring a fire truck for kids to enjoy or to talk to adults in regards to fire safety in the home.  Perhaps you'd rather bring a group to the fire station and enjoy the trucks and all that is involved with the fire station.  Call us at 919-269-6487 (option 2) to schedule your event today.

Fire truck at Preschool       ZNO Fire Truck

The Zebulon Fire Department is a Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Permanent Checking Station, as prescribed by NC OSFM, SafeKids, and the Governor's Highway Safety Program.  Our certified CPS technicians can work with you to ensure that you have the correct child safety seat and that it is installed correctly.    Periodically, we offer Child Safety Seat checking events, where you can drive through for a check!

If you're visiting us as part of the NC Child Protective Seats Court Diversion Program, we prefer you call us for an appointment first.  

Child Safety Seat Check     Checking Station

Our department provides FREE smoke alarms to those who need one (based on availability).  And if assistance is needed with installation, it's possible we can help with that, too!  Call or stop by the station for more information on our FREE smoke alarm program.