The Zebulon Parks and Recreation Department and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board are working towards eliminating barriers for Zebulon youth who face financial hardships by offering a Financial Aid Program. This will allow development and growth of Zebulon youth through participation in Zebulon Parks & Recreation athletic leagues, summer camps, and other programs by offsetting participation fees to those in need. It is our goal to not limit participation in Zebulon Parks and Recreation programs due to participation fees.
Youth up to ages 18 years of age and/or through high school are eligible for financial aid. The recipient must be a Town of Zebulon resident. Foster children are also eligible for this program. Households must be receiving public assistance (government benefits). The recipient must also be in good standing with the organization.
Special consideration may be granted for extenuating circumstances. Such requests must be made via a letter to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in addition the application described in section 3. The Advisory Board will consider approval at their regularly scheduled meeting unless a special meeting is called. Staff will advise the Advisory Board of the balance to the financial aide program; however, the decision to award funds for extenuating circumstances will be the responsibility of the Advisory Board. *Please note that at this time, funds for this program are limited and only available as described above. As funds for this opportunity grow, they will be available for extenuating circumstances.
Financial Aid is not guaranteed and is approved based on need, program availability, and available funds. Completing an application does not register a child for the program or guarantee funds. Applications must be completed in its entirety. Each application is for one child and one program. A registration form must be completed for the requested program. The application must include proof of participation in at least one public assistance. Examples of qualifying assistance include programs such as: SNAP, Section 8 Housing Assistance, and Medicaid.
Applicants will be reviewed prior to the end of the registration period for the requested program. The Parks and Recreation Department will notify the recipient of the decision in a timely manner. If a financial aid request is denied, staff may work with the participant to establish a payment plan. Applications should be submitted to the Recreation Assistant. The Parks and Recreation Director will authorize final approval of financial aid.
Submit to:
- Zoe Eash
- 301 S Arendell Ave, Zebulon, NC, 27597
- For more information call 919-823-0432.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board fundraises to provide funds available for the financial aid program. Funds raised for this program are deposited with the Town of Zebulon. The Zebulon Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for management of the financial aid program. Aid can only be distributed as funds are available.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
To make this successful, support from our community will be necessary. We are searching for community partners willing to financially support this opportunity. Becoming a partner will make a difference. 100% of collected donations will be used to establish a Financial Aid Sponsorship Fund for Zebulon Youth. We hope that you will become a sponsor of the program, and that you consider such a donation as an investment in your community.
For more information, please contact the Recreation Assistant at or at (919) 823-1815.