Community Policing

Our policing philosophy centers around community policing.  Officers are required to use community policing strategies that help build trust with our community.  Every job description and evaluation has a community engagement element.  To be promoted, officers must accept increasing responsibilities for developing programs that help build relationships with the citizens we serve.  Some of our community outreach programs include...

Police Ride Along

We encourage citizens to get to know our staff and the way we do business by participating in a ride along.  Residents 18 and older are eligible to spend a couple of hours on patrol with our officers.  This is a great way to get in depth insight into our policing philosophy, while experiencing calls along side our seasoned staff.  Limited background checks are conducted prior to scheduling your ride.  If you are interested, contact Interim Police Chief Bob Grossman at

Citizen's Police Academy

Typically starting at the beginning of February and running for 8 weeks, citizens learn about policing strategies used in our community.  From criminal investigations, body cameras, and K9, to crime scene processing and traffic stops, attendees spend 2.5 hours per week with members of our staff, learning what it is like to police in Zebulon.  At the conclusion, graduates are eligible to become volunteers for the department.

Police Explorers

Our Explorers Posts kicked off in 2024.  A Scouts of America program, Exploring exposes community youth to the world of first responders.  Bi-monthly meetings introduce teens to the policing profession.  If your teen is interested, contact David Gregory at

Coffee with a Cop

The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve. Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community members they serve together–over coffee–to discuss issues and learn more about each other. If you are a business owner and would like to host our next Coffee with a Cop event please contact Ofc. E. Anderson at (919) 823-1818 or by email:

Shop with a Cop

Shop with a Cop provides a fun filled afternoon for a number of children in need throughout the Zebulon area while creating positive relationships with law enforcement. This unique December shopping experience assists children and can deter them from choosing a life of crime or violence. The participating children are identified by schools, churches, youth organizations, and social services agencies. Our agency does accept monetary donations throughout the year for this cause. If you feel led to donated please write a check issued to Zebulon Police Department and in the memo line list: Shop with a Cop. In the last three years, we have taken nearly 75 children holiday shopping for their families, with over $35,000 in donations.

Faith and Blue

Faith & Blue is based on the premise that strong communities are built through mutual respect and understanding. Law enforcement and faith institutions are key pillars of each community, and when they work together, neighborhoods thrive.  Our annual Faith and Blue event pulls together the law enforcement and faith communities in a day of fun for our community.  Hosted on the Town Hall Lawn, there will be games and activities for the kids, free food, music, K9 demos and more!  The event is held the first weekend in October.

Cops and Bobbers

Throughout the summer, our staff hosts monthly fishing outings to help introduce youth to the sport of pond fishing.  Groups are limited to 12 kids, ages 8-14.  Keep an eye on our Facebook page for dates for the coming summer.

Open Gym

Kids need a place to hang out and stay active.  Weekly, our detectives host Open Gym at the Community Center.  It's a great way for our community youth to get to know our staff, by first name.  We might be running the clock or running the court. Come out on Wednesday afternoons to get a little energy out.

North Carolina Special Olympics Torch Run

The North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics unites officers from law enforcement agencies and corrections departments across the state in an effort to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics North Carolina. The Torch Run efforts to raise funds include: collecting corporate sponsorships, T-shirt and hat donations and hosting unique fundraising events such as building sits, polar plunges and glow runs.

Each summer, law enforcement officials carry the Flame of Hope across the state in the Torch Run Final Leg, culminating in the lighting of the cauldron to officially open the Special Olympics North Carolina Summer Games in Raleigh. The 2,000-mile, month-long Torch Run Relay involves more than 2,500 law enforcement officers and personnel representing more than 200 law enforcement agencies across North Carolina.

Contact Sergeant Dustin Dobson, or Officer Heath White to learn more or make a donation.