Strategic Plan


Zebulon adopted a strategic plan as part of the 2018-2019 budget process. The plan will have three focus areas that came from the survey, focus groups, staff and the Board of Commissioners. The three areas are:

  • Vibrant Downtown
  • Small Town Life
  • Growing Smart

Each year the projects in the strategic plan will be updated to align with the goals set by the Board of Commissioners during the budget process.

Encouraging private development and implementation of public events is consistent with the Zebulon 2030 Strategic Plan in all three focus areas: Small Town Life, Growing Smart and Vibrant Downtown.  The Town has developed standards for private sponsored public events utilizing public owned property such as streets and sidewalks. If you are interested in pursing such an event, the Town has an events committee that will review requests and meet with event planners. Event requests must go before the Board of Commissioners for authorization and fees may apply to your request. 

It is recommended that event planners be aware of timelines required in order to request the Board's consideration. Event planners must account for the time they need to plan and implement a successful event once authorization is received from the Board. 


Application and Permit Deadlines and Fees

An application is not considered a complete application until both the application form and the non-refundable application fee has been received. Permit fees are collected upon an event's approval and are refundable up to 30 days prior to the event. Permit fees should be paid within 30 days of Board of Commissioners approval.

 Refunds must be requested in writing and will be 75% of collected permit fees. There is no reimbursement of permit fees if an event is cancelled by the applicant within 30 days of the event date. Fees may be transferable towards future event permits if the event is cancelled due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, which will be determined at the discretion of the Special Events Committee. Application and late fees are non-refundable.

Event TypeApplication FeePermit FeeLate Fee
Parade$100$100$250, applications will not be accepted after 1 week following the application deadline.  
Walk/Race 5K and under$100$100
Race Over 5K$100$100
General Event Tier I$100$250
General Event Tier II$100$100
General Event Tier IIIN/AN/A
Municipal Complex$25Rental Fee payment in full

Important Dates to Remember

Deadlines are the minimum required time for Town consideration of a request. Event planners must consider the time they need to plan and implement a successful event after the Board of Commissioners approves the Special Event. Event planners should contact Town staff as soon as possible to initiate an application. Event planners should also consider the Board's regular meeting schedule where requests are considered for authorization. The Board will consider Special Event requests on a quarterly basis during a regular Board meeting. Regular Board meetings are typically held on the First Monday of the month. These requests will be considered as follows:

Review CycleBoard of Commissioners MeetingProposed Event DayMaterial Due for Agenda DevelopmentEvent Application Due Staff Review
1FebruaryMay or AfterDue three weeks prior to the scheduled Board Meeting. Staff must submit all material by this date. Due seven weeks prior to the regular scheduled Board Meeting.  
2MayAugust or After
3AugustNovember or After
4NovemberFebruary or After

 Contact with questions or to submit an application. 

Alley Activation

Activating our alley network is an opportunity to enhance existing public spaces to create walkable spaces, compliment downtown businesses, and create gathering spaces. The first phase of Alley Activation was made possible through a public private partnership with Zebulon Downtown Arts Council and Dallas Pearce Reality and constructed by Muter Construction. 

The Town has continued investment in activating alleyways and has received a Federal allocation to support continued activation of our alley systems and downtown revitalization.