About Us

The Zebulon Police Department strives to provide efficient, effective and professional law enforcement services to the community. The members of the Zebulon Police Department are committed to providing the highest level of police service. Members strive to improve the quality of life in the community by building partnerships that reduce crime, maintain order, enhance police/citizen relationships and create a safe environment while upholding the U.S. Constitution, NC. State Laws and Town Ordinances. Our daily goal is to operate by our core values which are Integrity, Service, and Professionalism.

Mission Statement

We will enhance community engagements, while keeping Zebulon safe.

Organizational Structure

The Zebulon Department is comprised of  26 sworn full time law enforcement officers along with several sworn part-time and reserve officers, and two civilian staff members. 

We have three divisions.  Patrol, Special Operations and Investigations are led by Captains Jeremy Mozingo and Edwin Killette, respectively.  Deputy Police Chief Bob Grossman oversees all three divisions, with Chief Jacqui Boykin leading the department.

Name Title Email Phone Number
Police Station
Bob Grossman Interim Police Chief bgrossman@townofzebulon.org
Edwin Killette Police Captain ekillette@townofzebulon.org
Kerry Burke Detective kburke@townofzebulon.org
Dustin Dobson Sergeant ddobson@townofzebulon.org
Colby James Police Officer cjames@townofzebulon.org
Tivon Howard Police Captain thoward@townofzebulon.org
Brandon Lane Sergeant blane@townofzebulon.org
Sarah Carroll Sergeant scarroll@townofzebulon.org
Andrew Crumpler Police Officer acrumpler@townofzebulon.org
Marcella Abate K-9 Officer mabate@townofzebulon.org
Ahmad Salim Police Officer asalim@townofzebulon.org
Chris Hamm Detective chamm@townofzebulon.org
Candace Parker cparker@townofzebulon.org
Jordan Perry Sergeant jperry@townofzebulon.org
Michael Koh Police Officer mkoh@townofzebulon.org
Jesse Brown jrbrown@townofzebulon.org
Steven Elms Police Officer selms@townofzebulon.org
Eric Anderson eanderson@townofzebulon.org
Jason Bridges Detective Sergeant jbridges@townofzebulon.org
Heath White K9 Officer hwhite@townofzebulon.org
Jackson Oliver Officer joliver@townofzebulon.org
David Gregory Police Planner dgregory@townofzebulon.org
Dustin Elliott Police Officer delliott@townofzebulon.org