With the approval of the FY 2025 Budget, the Town's Transportation Impact Fee changed. The Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) is a fee charged to developments to offset the impacts that their development will generate on traffic and congestion. These fees are based on the final use of the property and its intensity. You can find the final draft of the impact fee study HERE.
The Town of Zebulon is a North Carolina Main Street community, designated by the N.C. Department of Commerce Main Street & Rural Planning Center. The Zebulon Downtown Organization is charged with administering the program at the local level and building public-private partnerships to spur economic development that achieves measurable results such as investment, business growth, and job creation.
To see multiple opportunities to get involved in helping to shape our downtown. For more information, please go to the Downtown Page.
The Zebulon Planning Department oversees growth and development within the Town of Zebulon. All new residential, commercial, mixed-use and industrial developments are reviewed by the departments to ensure consistency with Zebulon's short-term and long-range growth plans, policies, and ordinances. The Planning Department handles planning, urban design, building permits, zoning, geographic information systems (GIS), and code enforcement.
- Unified Development Ordinance
- Interactive Development Map
- Official Zoning Map
- Code Enforcement Dashboard
- Wake County iMaps
- American Legal Publishing Corporation
GeoCivix Plan Review for Applications and Plan Review
The Town of Zebulon Planning Department uses GeoCivix (formally IDT) Plan Review to simplify the process for all applications. This review portal allows you to fill out the application, and upload forms, plan sets, and other documents online. If you have questions regarding this new process, please contact the Planning Department staff at 919-823-1810.

Current Planning and Development
Zebulon Planning Staff works with developers, homeowners, and business owners to assure that new development and redevelopment within the Town of Zebulon meets the applicable regulations in the Town's Unified Development Ordinance. These processes protect the health, safety, and welfare of all who live, work, and visit the Town.
Long Range Planning
Planning staff work to develop and maintain long-range plans to guide growth and development in Zebulon. These plans help promote sustainable growth and infrastructure. This is done with updates, modifications, and occasional rewrites of the Town's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Transportation Plan, and other guiding documents. These documents are used for rezoning and development request to assure that the Town grows smart.
Permitting staff review and enforce State Building Codes and local zoning regulations for all new residential and commercial activities and construction in the Town of Zebulon and the Town's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). The building permitting staff also work closely with citizens to organize the review of plans during the pre-construction phase of projects, and provide information and services to citizens as they obtain the proper permits.
Building inspections are performed by Wake County Inspectors after all necessary permits and approvals have been obtained from the Town of Zebulon. Zoning inspections are performed by inspectors from the Town of Zebulon.
Code Enforcement
Code enforcement staff work to improve the appearance of our communities and maintain standards of living. By ensuring safe, healthy places to live, work and play, enforcing local ordinances and regulations helps protect public health, citizens' property investments, and community pride. Our goal is to ensure that we are providing the highest quality of services to engage and educate the community on how to resolve code violations, and work together to make sure that Zebulon maintains a clean and safe environment for all citizens in our community.
Economic Development
Zebulon Economic Development is focused on helping existing businesses succeed and expand, attracting new businesses to the area, and shaping policies and regulations to maintain a business-friendly climate. As a North Carolina Main Street Community, we have a concentrated focus on the revitalization of our historic downtown with efforts to maintain and enhance vibrancy. However, we also assist major employers who are looking to call Zebulon home. For more information, please visit our Economic Development Page.