Events Schedule

Check out our 2025 Special Events Schedule! For more information about each event visit the link or tabs below. 


For more information

Join us for bingo! We will be holding free bingo events at the Zebulon Community Center. All ages are welcome to join, children must have an adult present. All supplies will be provided, and prizes will be awarded to the winners. 

Shamrock Bingo - Wednesday, March 12th
Flower Power - Wednesday, April 9th

All Ages Welcome (Children must be accompanied by an adult) 

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Zebulon Community Center

Join us for one of the Zebulon blood drives and make a difference that can save a life.

Right now, there are kids, neighbors, mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons in your community who need a lifesaving blood transfusion. You could be their chance for another day. One donation can help save 3 lives. That one donation could be you. 


Monday, Apr 14th

Monday, June 23rd

Monday, August 18th

Tuesday, Oct 28th

Tuesday, Dec 30th

16 & Up

9:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Zebulon Community Center

Register Today

Come join us for a fun night filled with GREAT PRIZES, GREAT FUN, and for a GREAT CAUSE! All donations and funds raised will be used to feed the children at the Zebulon Boys & Girls Club. A single donation is valid to play all rounds of BINGO. $10 Kids/$20 Adults Per BINGO Card. Donations are taken the night of the event.

Friday, March 21st
All Ages Welcome (Children must be accompanied by an adult) 

5:30 - 8:00 PM

Zebulon Community Center

Join us at 10 AM for pre-hunt activities, enjoy a meet and greet with the Easter Bunny, as well as games and arts-n-crafts. Participants do not have to arrive at 10 AM but must be present before the hunt begins at 11 AM. 


Saturday, April 12th

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Zebulon Community Park


12 & Under

You don't want to miss this year's Spring Fest!

Spring Fest is one of the biggest nights in Zebulon that welcomes thousands of people into our town. Featuring local bands and artists, food, beer, and crafts vendors, and activities for everyone, this is the perfect opportunity to experience some of the best that Zebulon has to offer.

Saturday, April 26

4:00 - 8:00 PM

Downtown Zebulon


Spend the evening listening to live music, enjoying tasty food trucks, visiting beer and wine vendors, supporting local craft vendors, and socializing with your neighbors Downtown Zebulon. Make sure to bring your lawn chairs or picnic blankets. Bands will begin playing at 6:30 PM.

Friday, August 8
Friday, September 12
Friday, October 10

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Band will start at 6:30 PM

We are collecting new or gently used coats for children of all ages as we prepare for the colder months in Zebulon. If you have coats to donate or you're looking to collect a free coat for your children, take a look at the information below!

Community Outreach Coat Drive Collection
Coat Collection Dates: Late August through late September, exact dates TBD
Coat Donation & Drop Off Locations:
The Creative Cup-113 N Arendell Avenue
Zebulon Community Center-301 S Arendell Avenue
Zebulon Police Department-1001 N Arendell Avenue

Coat Distribution & Cookout-Gill St Park
Date: Thursday, September 25
Time: 5:00-6:30 PM
Location: Gill Street Park (600 N Privette St.)