Appointed Boards

There are five appointed boards for the Town. These boards and committees make decisions and recommendations that are used to provided better services to the Town and its residents.  We are always looking for people that interested in volunteering for these positions. If you are interested please fill out the volunteer interest form and indicate where you would like to serve. If you have questions please feel free to contact us at 919-823-1802


Parks & Recreation Board

Meets the Third Monday of Every Month (if necessary)  -  Meetings are held at  Zebulon Town Hall at 6:00pm.

This Board consists of seven members who must reside in the Corporate limits or ETJ and makes recommendations on how to expand and/or improve the parks and programs offered by the Town. 

Planning Board

Meets the Second Monday if a Joint Public Hearing is held and the fourth Monday (if necessary) to conduct business.

The Board consists of seven members  -  five in-town residents and two ETJ residents, and makes recommendations on land use, text amendments, zoning and subdivision review.

Board of Adjustment

Meets the Last Thursday of the month on an as needed basis at 7:00pm.

The Board consists of five members  -  four in-town residents, one ETJ resident. There are also two alternates that fill in when a regular member cannot attend. This Board makes decisions on appeals made by citizens, developers or business owners concerning decisions made by the Land Use Administrator, which is the Planning Director for the Town of Zebulon. They would also hear a request for variances from the Unified Development Ordinance and interpretations of the zoning map.

Sustainability Board

The Board consists of seven members who must reside in the Corporate Limits or ETJ. 

The role of the Sustainability Board is to serve as an advisory committee to the Board of Commissioners regarding environmental sustainability 
issues such as environmental protection and urban forestry, recycling, and energy use. Their duties include: 

  • Advise, deliberate, and make recommendations on tree and urban forestry related matters, recycling, and energy use. 
  • Assist in the development and implementation of any ordinances, policies, or plans related to tree and urban forestry, recycling, and energy use. 
  • Assist with community outreach and public education related to urban forestry and environmental protection related matters. 
  • Assist in the planning of community events related to urban forestry and environmental protection. 
  • Provide support and oversight of the Tree City USA and Bee City USA programs.