
Stormwater is critical to the environmental health and safety of our Town and Zebulon owns and maintains over 32 miles of storm conveyance pipes and . Come learn more about our stormwater program and ways you can keep Zebulon's stormwater clean!

Mr. Drip graphic.


To keep your children informed on the importance of stormwater, have them learn more about rain with our friend Walter the Raindrop!

To report any illicit discharge, drainage concern, or any other concern involving our stormwater system, please contact our Stormwater Hotline:

Kevin Watson, Stormwater Manager
(919) 823-1846

What is an Illicit Discharge ? Any disposal, dumping, spill, leak, or other discharge of anything other than stormwater into or onto:​
  • Stormwater catch basin​
  • Stormwater drainage system​
  • Any water body​
  • Land in close proximity to any of the above so the substance ​
  • May reach the stormwater drainage system or any water body​
​Examples of Illicit Discharges:
  • Motor oil or other automotive fluids​
  • Water runoff from a commercial car wash​
  • Excessive antifreeze or oil spilling from vehicles​
  • Paint, cement or sediment slurry​
  • Detergents/Cleaning agents ex. Dirty mop water​
Learn more about illicit discharge here.

If you have any questions concerning Sediment and Erosion Control with new development and Post Construction Stormwater Control Measures, please contact Wake County here.

To report any water or sewer issues, please contact the City of Raleigh Public Utilities here.

Primary Contacts